
Updated October 13, 2021 by crxporter and Shaquu

This is a place where we would like to thank those who have come before to build the work that we have added to.


7 November 2016

Marius Schmeding (@mschm) made the first version of the Node-RED plugin using HAP-NodeJS called node-red-contrib-homekit

13 April 2018

Oliver Rahner (@oliverrahner) steps in and makes a fork called node-red-contrib-homekit-bridged

As Marius Schmeding seems to have abandoned his great work, I decided to fork his repo and to introduce some major rework.

The biggest change is the use of HAP-NodeJS in bridged mode: only add one bridge in the iOS to access all your devices!

Also, I (believe I) fixed some issues: - devices don't show as unreachable after redeploying - having more than one device per accessory (in the "old" world) or bridge doesn't lead to iOS losing the parameters for this device anymore

21 February 2019 - present

Tadeusz Wyrzykowski (@Shaquu) joins the effort.

In the beginning I knew nothing about the HomeKit.

Few days later I decided to fork the repository.

Shortly after I got full control over original one and started major refactoring.

That time with a help of random user @crxporter (who is my good friend today!) we started adding more and more features and improvements, and story continues!


Thanks to all of our contributors for their work and effort!

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